There is something you MUST know about us before everything else: We are professionals!
This means that our purpose is to find always the best rent solution according to the personal needs of every customer.
Also, because we do believe that there are more important priorities to consider than money when renting a car, we want to work with customers that have our same way of thinking. We are not saying that money is not important..: simply it is not at the first place.
So, no offence, but IF your only purpose is to look for the lowest rent car price ever, not only you will not find it in here, but you are kindly requested not to write at all. We don't want to waste your time, and our as well, for two main reasons:
- we do not rent cars at any cost, or even below cost for the fear to lose a customer.
- we don’t do charity.
If you are still with us, please take a look at the rest of our business!!